
Because we are a volunteer organization, we rely on players’ parents to coach teams.  Coaching is a great way to stay engaged with your child and their activities and also participate in the community.  The time requirements vary depending on which level you coach.  You don’t need to be an experienced soccer player to coach – but you do need to like being outside and working with children!

All PAYSA coaches must also complete a series of tasks that focus on increasing player safety and that aim to enhance the playing experience for our players. These tasks can be accessed below:

Required Tasks for Coaches

US Youth Soccer
1) Background Check
2) SafeSport
3) CDC Heads Up

US Soccer
4) Introduction to Grassroots Coaching
5) Age-Specific Grassroots Course (Travel Coaches Only)
6) Reading: Five Things to Know About Play-Practice-Play
7) Reading: What is Play-Practice-Play?

Returning Coaches

Please email the Recreational Director with your age group and gender coaching interest for the Fall Rec season:

Please email the Travel Director with your age group and gender coaching interest for the Fall Travel season: